Coalition for Regenerative Ecologies & Agriculture
The Coalition for Regenerative Ecologies and Agriculture (CREA) is a transdisciplinary project co-led by faculty at St. Philip's College and The University of Texas at San Antonio that seeks to establish a transnational collective that will support regenerative ecological and agricultural practices with farms and cultural organizations based in San Antonio, Texas and Veracruz, Mexico.
Partners include: Terra Advocati, Estampa Verde, San Antonio Food Bank, Gardopia Gardens, Vetiver Roots Technology Urban Bird Project, Las Canadas, El Equimite, Los Amigos Ecotourism, and many more!
Huasteca Regenerative Agriculture Center
Co-founded in 2021 by Terra Advocati with a generous donation from a loving supporter of TA, the Huasteca Regenerative Agriculture Center focuses primarily on land and watershed regeneration by providing an outdoor laboratory for experimentation, research, and demonstration for local, regional, and international collaborations.
Finca Oasis Forest Preserve
The bottom-up approach to forest preservation and reforestation of over 1,500 acres at Finca Oasis creates a model for addressing the seemingly conflicting priorities of environmentalists and struggling farmers in similar.
The billions of trees that gave rise to Mexico’s eastern cloud forests pull water out of the ground and release it through their leaves gave rise to a “giant river in the sky” that keeps the forest wet and provides rain for the fertile crescent that spans much of the Gulf Coast.
Finca Oasis is located in Mexico’s at the northern edge of that crescent in the Eastern Sierra Madre mountains, and in one of the communal farming regions (ejidos) established after the Mexican Revolution.
Estampa Verde
Estampa Verde promotes
Nature-Based Solutions that allow the restoration of forest cover, achieving water security and the rescue of biodiversity while producing quality food in rural communities. They create educational programs and agro-ecological transformation strategies. They believe that serious and passionate farmers are unknown social heroes, with the technique and creativity of an artist and the dedication and discipline of an entrepreneur.
Servicio Desarrollo y Paz Huasteca Potosina is a non-profit Mexican civil organization that believes that "Another World is Possible", implements organizational initiatives of leadership and popular education of a social, cultural, economic and environmental nature to achieve well-being, justice, gender equality and sustainability.