For the second consecutive year, Books in the Barrio partnered with the St. Philip’s College Mexican American Studies Program and the Communications and Learning Department to celebrate Dia de los Niños. This year we hosted children from the St. Philip’s College Child Development Center and Bowden Academy and gave away over 100 copies of the children’s book We Are Water Protectors. Rosie Torres, Virginia Grise, and Excy Guardado led the children through a beautiful reading filled with song, movement, and words of fire.
Below, we share with you the Water Protector Pledge that our young water protectors took.
Earth Steward and Water Protector Pledge
I will do my best to honor Mother Earth and all its living beings, including the water and land. I will always remember to treat the Earth as I would like to be treated.
I will treat...
the winged ones, the crawling ones, the four-legged, the two-legged, the plants, trees, rivers, lakes, the Earth with kindness and respect.
I pledge to make this world a better place by being a steward of the Earth and a protector of the water.